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Lets try to install some basic programs, for example nano, wget, htop, nload and iotop.

Installing programs will depend on the Linux distribution that you have chosen. To install these 5 programs, simply paste the commands provided below:


yum -y install epel-release; yum -y install nano wget htop nload iotop;


apt-get -y install nano wget htop nload iotop;


Nano is a user-friendly text editor, which will replace the default vi editor. We will use it very often, for example to edit any config files, or any other files in the system. An example of nano in use:

nano /etc/rsyslog.conf

You can exit nano with by pressing ctr+x, and to save changes simply use ctr+o.


Wget will likely be most used to download files to your VPS, for example:

wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz

This will download the most popular firewall, which we will use in future tutorials.

Htop, nload and iotop.

Simply run each program by typing its name. You can exit any of them by pressing ctr+c.

Htop will show your CPU and RAM usage, nload will show you bandwidth usage (internet connection), and iotop will show current disk usage. These 3 programs are very useful to help you check your current VPS usage and find any bottlenecks.